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GNU Emacs
Izuru Yakumo

Mostly likely due to the fun of trying, I ended up adopting GNU Emacs as my main editor and whatnot. It also literally served well as my excuse for learning Lisp (kind of) and trying out org-mode. Of course for a rather large piece of software i'm not even using 10% of its power, because of obvious reasons.

While at it, I ended up ditching Vim and my `init.el` has evil-mode enabled (I can hardly get used to Emacs' keybinds at all) However, the jabber client I use doesn't like emacs being on `$EDITOR`, but anything else works, hence why 'vile' is my backup editor now, for doing quick edits without all the fancy stuff. Whenever I'm bored (usually always) I run `M-x snake` or `M-x tetris` when I feel like it.

"GNU Emacs /technically/ adheres to the Unix philosophy in the sense that it can interpret Elisp and it can do that well"

<- To be continued...

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