Screenshot from Wild and Horned Hermit

mirror:world 「鏡:世界」



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Fucking around with symlinks
Izuru Yakumo

As I had literally nothing better to do, I switched from a Gemini server daemon to another, once again. But I've found a problem with nearly all I tried. Either one had virtual hosts but not user directories, or vice versa. After all I kind of gave up on that subject and checked out Twins and afterwards tried it myself.

As the title implies, to get user directories working I literally have to do that, unlike with Gophernicus, nginx, or spsrv. But I can't complain now, I think. I've got already used to this.

Either way it works anyway so I don't really have to care, besides having to write a script and such eventually.

That's all.

1: It's mentioned on KyokoNet's main page.

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