Screenshot from Wild and Horned Hermit

mirror:world 「鏡:世界」



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Causing mischief on the town
Izuru Yakumo

Yesterday I went to do errands at the city, particularly, the local bank, to renew a fixed term investment just so my bank account doesn't get wiped out. There was a long line to get into the ATMs, but I outright skipped it, then asked a woman over there if a disoccupied ATM worked, but she didn't know, and went to the last one. I stood on said disoccupied ATM for a while but decided I didn't bother, so I chose to wait until the woman was done with whatever she was doing. Some guy entered the room after me, I used [The World] to get before him, and did what I was supposed to do, he got offended and yelled "I waited on this fucking line for 4 hours and you come like this and take the ATM like that!", I replied "at least I'm not doing what everyone else is doing" to him. Once I was done I left it to him, only for the guy to reply back, "Next time you do the line, you fish", I muttered, "I don't care about you or anybody, screw yourself", and I was gone.

Since I came with my dad near the bank, he went to buy groceries at the supermarket, I arrived there and found a beer can, which was full, but I was only interested in the can, not its contents. I dumped a little of it to the floor, while avoiding getting hit by the beer, then put the can back to where I found it. I eventually found out the can belonged to someone nearby, but I was inside the entryway of the store by then. I got away with it, twice even. Everything else that happened after isn't relevant, so I'll leave it here.

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