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Status update - April 2022
Izuru Yakumo

Nothing much's been going on lately, except for a couple things, one good and two bad (although I'm gonna skip the second for brevity). I'll tell the bad one first: The programming course I was supposed to assist to was canceled, because there wasn't enough people who were interested in taking it, besides me and someone else. When I consulted about what happened with it and after that, I got really annoyed and returned back home. The good one: one of my other sites (TechnicalMarisa) is already one month old, and I had to do a redesign last night which involved a lot of changes, specially how I generated the sites, and now it is both available over Gemini and HTTP, from the same sources, built with kiln1, all while PrivacyGuides and PrivacyTools are basically murdering themselves, and I doubt either of them will stand up, heh. Anyway, I might take a different course instead of programming on the same place, as far as I know, they still accept sign-ups even when the classes already started, sort of, I don't know until when exactly. Wonder what will happen next...

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TechnicalMarisa: <>

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